Direct Sales in a Down Economy

In a down economy, more people turn to entrepreneurial opportunities as traditional 9-5 jobs continue to be scarce. Direct sellers are stepping up in these unprecedented times. The unlimited opportunity through online marketing is a blessing.

Many direct sellers are now hosting virtual events/parties through Zoom, Facebook events, Instagram, and they seem to have a captive audience. With social distancing and people preferring to avoid big box stores, direct sales companies such as Pure Haven are filling needs for many consumers. Pure Haven gives us delivery right to our doorsteps in days, a reason to engage in social activity online with friends, a feeling of being connected to something positive, being somewhere that is offering hope, supporting small and local vs big box companies, an opportunity to earn income from home, flexible work schedule and the list goes on and on.

Direct sales, whether home party or catalog sales, usually has a lower buy in requirement than a franchise and can be an attractive option for entrepreneurs. There is no experience necessary to start as a direct sales consultant. Many of these companies provide multiple platforms for support, training and guidance. There is no overhead cost and often times little in ongoing costs, if ANY.

Direct sales, by nature, has always been social. Sharing something you already love and referring others to try it is the basis. You share with 130 friends and you tell 130 friends and so on and so on. With social media those 130 friends turns into thousands quickly. More than 1 billion people are spending increased hours on the top social media platforms. The pool of potential customers for direct sales consultants is massive. The average Facebook user has 500 friends. Each of these consumer touch points amplifies the excitement, referrals and sales that previously would have taken a consultant months or years to build.

The in-person direct sales model is not replaced, but enhanced, by social media. Leveraging social media platforms is giving direct sales companies a high ROI.

If you are considering direct sales as a supplemental income or replacement, here is a great article on utilizing social media.

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