Spring into a Healthier Environment

While many of us use the term “spring cleaning” loosely, it’s an actual practice (dating back centuries) that also adds some health benefits.

If you have a closet that’s starting to overflow and take over your bedroom or a junk drawer that has gradually grown to be so full it jams when you try to close it, then you’ve likely felt some stress brought on by unnecessary “stuff.” A great place to start spring cleaning is by going through these areas and reducing anything that you did not use in the past year.

Spring cleaning also includes removing soot from winter fires, as well as the accumulation of dust by deep cleaning walls, windows, and furniture.

This great spring-cleaning checklist will help you get started.

Health Benefits of Spring Cleaning


The state of our mental health can be impacted by the state of our homes. Decluttering can help to remove the “mental clutter” that may causing additional anxiety. A clean, minimized home can be a small step with a noticeable impact on reducing an anxious home life. Something as small as a clean bedroom can help improve stress. A clear workspace will improve focus and reduce anxiety. Having organized closets and cabinets makes it easier to locate items and again eliminates stress.

Here are some tips on places to reduce clutter.


Seasonal allergies run rampant in the springtime and it’s a great idea to support your respiratory health. Deep cleaning your home can be one of the ways to remove allergy triggers like dust, mold, pet dander, fire soot, etc. that have built up over the year.

Great tips on maintaining indoor air quality.


Have you ever opened the pantry to find a product that expired years ago? It’s easy to accumulate products over time. Spring cleaning is a great time to find and throw out expired products. You’ll free up space and ensure that your family doesn’t accidentally consume something that’s expired.

Here’s a list of items to never use after they expire.


Many people become sluggish and less active in the water months. Spring cleaning is a way to get moving. Uplift your energy and emerge from hibernation mode. This could just be the push to get moving again!

Kick off the spring season with some cleaning. Your mind and body will thank you for it.

Nontoxic cleaners are always preferred and work just as amazingly well as mainstream brands. 

Check out this great cleaning bundle.

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