Building Confidence In Your Health

You might look healthy, but are you confident in your health?

Confidence in health is often confused with physical appearance. To people, looking slim or athletic means that a person looks confident.

However, confidence in our health is more than just our outward appearance 

Due to a lack of time and busy lives, people must pay more attention to their health. While eating right and exercising is a start, overall confidence in our health requires a more thorough approach: mind, body, and spiritual connection.

Here are seven tips for building confidence in your health.

 Learn To Breathe With Intention

Breathing has been used as a relaxation technique for a long time. Learning how to control your breathing can help reduce stress and relieve anxiety. Stress and anxiety can put undue pressure on the cardiovascular system.

We breathe on our own without much thought. Intentional breathing is when we consciously nurture our nervous system. One of the ways I like to do so is before each meal. Taking ten deep breaths before each meal helps the nervous system reset. We are signaling to the body that is time to rest and digest.

Doing so builds confidence in your body's ability to digest, absorb nutrients, and turn food into energy.

Eat To Nourish

Eating healthy doesn't mean you must eat only salads or starve yourself. Focus on eating healthy foods that you like. Assess your metabolic type and, in turn, increase your confidence about the foods you are eating.

Stay High On Energy

Stay high on energy throughout the day to ensure your mind and body are in top condition.

A few natural energy boosters, such as green tea, berries, and other fruits, will keep you healthy and happy.

Set Goals

While we relate goals to weight loss, setting intentions can be helpful in other aspects of health. Set specific targets for things like how many hours a week you should spend on your hobbies, with family or friends, or away from your cell phone/computer. By hitting these targets, you'll build confidence in your ability.

Reward Yourself

People on strict diets or exercise routines often resort to treat days to help them cope with the pressure. Rewards can be a drive to the beach, a coffee date, or even a massage.

Exercise Joyfully

Too many times, we can be so rigid with our workout routines. Listening to what your body is asking for each day is vital. Knowing you can stretch instead of performing a boot camp. Confidence that what you do most of the time matters most. You're allowed to take exercise on a notch.

Test Don't Guess

Test instead of taking random supplements or turning to Dr Google. When you have scientific data on your body, you can treat the body with confidence. If you feel something is off with your health, it likely is!

In a world where many lack confidence in their health, take charge of yourself with the tips above.


Here's wishing you a healthy and happy life.


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