Algae's Sacred Symphony: Elevating Healthspan and Lifespan

Energybits Founder / CEO and Chief Scientific Officer Catharine Arnston has spent the last ten years educating consumers and wellness professionals about algae. Now if the word “Algae” doesn’t instantly fill you with excitement please hang on in there! I was merely a causal Spirulina consumer prior to prepping for todays interview and now I’m a huge fan of this cultivated one ingredient power algae known for aiding performance and energy. I’m an even bigger fan of the lessor known algae on the block: Chlorella. 

Don’t just take my word for it though:

Algae is endorsed by NASA and the UN as the most nutritionally dense food in the world. It has 40 vitamins & minerals, the highest concentration of protein in the world and one ingredient. CLICK TO TWEET

As the most studied food in the world there are “over 100,000 studies documenting its benefits, some of which include increased energy, improved focus, strengthened immune system, reduced inflammation, removal of toxins, enhanced longevity, improved sports performance, removal of hunger and revitalised skin & hair health”. ( In short Algae boasts:

  • High Plant Protein (3 x steak)

  • High Organic Iron (48 x spinach)

  • High Chlorophyll ( 1,000 x greens)

  • High Antioxidants (1,000 x cherries)

  • High Vitamins & Minerals (more than other vegetables) 

  • High Fatty Acids (Omega-3 , DHA, GLA)

  • High Vitamin K2 protects heart, brain, skin and bones.

All this goodness at what environmental cost you might be thinking? That’s where algae gets even better! It’s the most sustainable crop in the world. Catherine shares how algae protects our: Oceans, Air, Land, Fresh Water near the end of our chat.

Algae’s only problem? It is virtually unknown outside of Asia. 

Catharine is super committed to changing that. 

Algae, the most nutrient dense, sustainable food on the planet with Catharine Arnston from Energybits.

Want to know more? Listen to this podcast episode from last week!

If you’re keen to get some algae love in your life (like me!) then I have the details for Catherine’s generous discount of 20% off linked up below. Or you could go directly to and use the code CLY. The awesome news is this discount will work always for any product via that site. 

Connect with Catherine and purchase Energybits online:

Home website: use the code “CLY” for 20% off!


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