Optimal Gut Health To Support Your Hormones


By now, you’ve probably heard that both gut health and hormone health are important, but the two are also inextricably linked (i.e. the state of one’s health depends on the other, and vice versa).

In fact, many hormone imbalances begin in the gut, and the gut has a powerful impact on our hormones. This is because our gut microbiome:

+ Houses 70-80% of our immune system, which if disrupted or inflamed can lead to autoimmune conditions and hormone imbalances

+ Contains a group of bacteria known as the estrobolome, which is responsible for metabolizing and eliminating estrogen from the body

+ Absorbs nutrients from our food/supplements in order to synthesize hormones

+ Supports the elimination of toxins and chemicals that can otherwise lead to hormone imbalances

+ Works to keep blood sugar in check, critical for hormone balance


The healthier your gut is, the healthier your hormones are, empowering you to have a healthy menstrual cycle, alleviate uncomfortable symptoms and look and feel your very best.

 If you’re experiencing signs and symptoms of an unhealthy gut I also encourage you to seek out support to test and not guess. Coach Dee will help you take a targeted approach.


Looking for help with gut health?

Learn more about working with Coach Dee.


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