CLY Guide to Staying Healthy Amidst the Holiday Temptations

As December rolls in, so does the festive spirit of the holiday season. It's a time for joy, celebration, and cherished moments with loved ones. However, it's also a month that often challenges our commitment to health. With an abundance of holiday parties, decadent treats, and not-so-healthy gifts, it's easy to let our wellness goals slip away. But fear not, because this year, we're determined to help you stay on track and make December a month of both celebration and health.

1. Set Realistic Goals

Before the month kicks off, take some time to set realistic health goals for December. Rather than aiming for perfection, focus on maintaining your current wellness routine. This approach sets you up for success and minimizes the stress associated with strict holiday health resolutions.

2. Stay Active

The colder weather may make it tempting to hibernate indoors, but don't let that stop you from staying active. Bundle up and take brisk walks, go sledding, or try indoor workouts to keep your body moving. Regular exercise helps counteract the indulgences and boosts your mood.

3. Mindful Indulgences

It's okay to enjoy the occasional holiday treat, but do so mindfully. Savor your favorite dessert, but limit portions. Choose healthier options when available, and don't forget to stay hydrated. A glass of water between cocktails or snacks can make a big difference.

4. Plan Your Plate

At holiday gatherings, prioritize filling your plate with veggies, lean proteins, and whole grains. This way, you can enjoy the indulgent dishes in moderation without going overboard on less nutritious options. Enjoy the gathering without tipping the scale.

5. Be the Healthy Host

If you're hosting a holiday gathering, take the opportunity to serve nutritious dishes that everyone can enjoy. Create a balanced menu with a variety of options to cater to different dietary preferences. Here are a few of my favorite healthy recipes.

6. Limit Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol is often plentiful during the holiday season. While it's okay to enjoy a glass of wine or a festive cocktail, try to limit your alcohol intake. Alternating with non-alcoholic beverages can help reduce overall consumption.

7. Practice Stress Management

The holidays can be stressful, so prioritize stress management techniques like meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga. These practices help you stay grounded and make healthier choices. Avoid holiday drama taxing your hormones with these techniques.

8. Healthy Gifting

When it comes to gift-giving, consider health-conscious options like affirmation cards, wellness books, gym memberships, or homemade healthy treats. Encourage your loved ones to join you in your quest for a healthier December.

9. Rest and Recovery

Amidst the holiday rush, don't forget to prioritize rest. Aim for a consistent sleep schedule to support your immune system and overall well-being.

10. Embrace Gratitude

Lastly, remember the true spirit of the season—gratitude and love. Focus on the joy of spending time with loved ones and the memories you're creating, rather than just the food or gifts.

December doesn't have to be a month of health setbacks. By approaching it with mindfulness, balance, and a focus on well-being, you can savor the holiday season while staying true to your health goals. Cheers to a happy, healthy, and festive December!

More healthy holiday tips.


Festive Delights: Healthy Gluten and Dairy-Free Holiday Recipes


Nourishing Body and Soul: Mindful Eating During Thanksgiving