Coach Dee's Top 5 Tips For Healthy Holidays

Coach Dee is a functional health coach, wellness expert and fitness enthusiast. With the holidays approaching, follow Coach Dee's top 5 tips to stay lean and clean through the holiday season and feel your best!

1. Hydrate the Holidays

This may seem so simple, but with the ‘let’s catch up for coffee’ dates, wine with lunch celebrations and evening cocktails or glasses of champagne, it can be easy to forget to drink water. Not staying hydrated over the holidays can make you feel tired, stressed and show up on your skin as fine lines and wrinkles – so be sure to keep water intake up at this time. Drink a large glass upon waking, keep a water bottle in your purse, at your desk and in the car, drink 2 glasses of water for every caffeinated or alcoholic drink you consume, and don’t forget to apply Coach Dee's favorite nontoxic Hyaluronic Acid serum and eye cream to keep the skin hydrated from the outside in.

2. Build Your Gut Health

At this time of year all of the sweet treats, extra alcohol, travel and stress can lead to poor gut health. Gas, bloating and constipation can be common at the holidays. A few simple strategies can be so helpful – make sure you are chewing your food 30 times before you swallow, don’t drink cold beverages with lots of ice with your meals, take a few deep breaths before eating (this gets you into ‘rest & digest’ mode) and consider taking a digestive enzyme with meals – Coach Dee recommends pure encapsulations digestive enzymes.  Taking a quality probiotic such as UltraBiotic Complete can help build your gut health.

3. Stabilize Your Blood Sugar

With cookies, candy, carb temptations, alcohol and holiday treats everywhere you look at this time of year it can feel like we are on a rollercoaster of sugar highs followed by energy lows. Not only does this affect our energy, but it also leads to low mood, headaches, poor oral health, weight gain, dangerous disease and premature aging of the skin. Aim to start your day with a protein, fat and fiber based breakfast (such as one of Proganics plant based meal replacement), eat some lean protein, veggies and healthy fats at every meal. Coach Dee loves 85%+ dark chocolate for the sweet tooth craving.

4. Incorporate Supporting Supplements

Adding a few great supplements at this time of year can support your health and wellness – Coach Dee's favorite bundles can be purchased in her  supplement shop.

5. Get Quality Sleep

There is a high chance that you might not get 8 hours of sleep every night during the holidays, but make sure the sleep that you do get is of great quality! Keep all screens out of the bedroom (this includes your phone), use an eye mask and ear plugs and keep your bedroom cool and dark (around 65 degrees is ideal). Great sleep is important for all aspects of wellness, including the health of your skin and hair. Sweet dreams!


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