How did you end up with an overworked liver?

How did you end up with an overworked liver?

Well, there has never been a time in history that has pushed our livers to the limit like today.

As you may know, our livers are under attack from thousands of toxic man-made chemicals.

In fact, the Environmental Protection Agency has more than 85,000 chemicals listed on its inventory of substances that fall under the Toxic Substances Control Act.

So every day we breathe in toxins from air pollution.

We eat toxins like pesticides, herbicides, and other chemicals in our food.

We even put toxins on our skin with chemical-laden things like sunscreen, bug spray, shampoo, skincare, and shaving cream.

That’s not all that’s hurting your liver. Not by a long shot. I’m not talking about alcohol.

Of course, alcohol can damage your liver. And anyone who wants to take good care of their liver should limit their alcohol intake.

Even if you don’t drink a drop of alcohol, there’s AN INVISIBLE “LIVER KILLER” that could be severely damaging your liver right now…


Believe it or not, refined sugar and high-fructose corn syrup are both shown to be as damaging to your liver as booze!

And sugar can cause problems with your liver even if you’re not overweight. Worse, sugar and high-fructose corn syrup are hidden in most of the food in your neighborhood grocery store, your favorite restaurant, and your local deli.

A lot of the time YOU CAN’T EVEN TASTE IT.

And sugar and all of these toxins are basically, attacking your liver.

Detoxing daily with warm lemon water, the method mentioned in my YouTube video, and a deep cleanse annually is recommended.


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