My Infertility Journey

Today my son turns 13! Wow! My son had a 1% chance of being born...

After suffering from "unexplained infertility," Mason was conceived through the blessing of science and IVF.

In my mid-thirties, I dove deep into Pandora's infertility box. My unexplained infertility journey led me to join support groups and seek answers, inspired me to go back to school, and I have learned SO much. I became disgusted by the general lack of regulation around food, cosmetics, and chemicals allowed. Environmentally there are so many suspected links to the rise in infertility.


I will never forget the days of countless blood draws, testing, tears, shots, protocols, and asking "Why me." 


Did you know...


1 in 6 people experiences infertility, according to the World Health Organization.


Up to thirty percent of infertility cases are unexplained


Over the past 50 years, male sperm count has declined 50 percent.


Environmental toxins are enormous contributors to the increase in infertility.


As a Certified Hormone Health Coach, I have studied and continue to investigate the causes of infertility in depth. I have supported and helped couples through infertility struggles. In the last 15 years, I have shared my knowledge and passion on this topic with thousands worldwide.


If you know someone looking for support, guidance, or lab testing to seek answers- please share this post with them!


There is hope, and here's a picture of my one percent chance, Mason. 


Shoot me a picture of your child who is an infertility miracle. I love celebrating these extra special humans. I'd love to hear your story too.


Stay On Track This Summer


You could soon be eating lab-grown “meat” without even knowing it