You could soon be eating lab-grown “meat” without even knowing it

For those of us who didn’t grow up on a farm, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by confusing information about the development of synthetic or lab-grown “meat” (also known as cultured “meat” – read on to see why we’ll keep using quotation marks on this term). This is where muscle tissue is artificially created in laboratory-like conditions from animal stem cells bathed in nutrients and ‘growth factors.’ Companies have sprung up all over the world in the race to create cultured imitations of beef, chicken—and even shrimp and tuna.

As consumers, most of us just want to be able to buy and enjoy healthful food with our friends and family. Food labeling is supposed to be easy, simple, and safe to do. But the powerful corporations and investors behind the rise of the lab-grown “meat” industry know that many consumers just don’t want to eat the stuff – and that transparent, clear labeling gets in their way.

Despite the hype, there are huge uncertainties about the safe production of lab-grown, as well as the claimed environmental benefits.

For many of us, even the idea that these items could be considered “meat or poultry products” is disturbing.

Some concerns are:

  1. YES, cell-cultured protein derived from animal cells (aka lab “meat”) needs to be differentiated from the real thing. Any product which did not originate from a live animal, was born from another live animal, and was raised on a farm, should not be labeled as meat or poultry (or their equivalent) and should be clearly identified as animal cell culture technology.

  2. Full source material transparency. From transparency and food safety/allergenic p, the product should also clearly specify any and all species of animal cells it derives from, as well as all ingredients and materials used in the manufacturing process.

  3. Honest, accessible labeling. Information should be clearly communicated in the text the same size and visibility as the product name on the pen on a website. QR codes should not be permitted for use in conveying information about the source material, as this limits information access and risks misleading consumers. Do only people with smartphones and extra time at the grocery store deserve to know what’s in their food?

  4. Animal-raising claims (e.g., “humane,” “Organic,” or breed claims like “Wagyu” and no claims like “natural” or “sustainable.” Because no animals were raised, bred, handled, fed, or cared for in any way, can be made about their production. Consumers increasingly seek products t have been verified to deliver positive benefits to the environment, animals, and rural communities (like those from AGW-certified farms and ranches). No such benefits have been demonstrated for cell-cultured protein derived from animal cells.

  5. Don’t call it steak! This should be differentiated from traditional meat and poultry products to ensure fair and transparent markets for farmers and clarity for consumers. “Cell-cultured protein” should be the generic product name, with the product specifying which animal cells it derives from. For example, “Made with cell-cultured protein derived from bovine cells.”

The reality is that growing tissue in a lab poses a whole new host of potential risks and problems.  
When large quantities of cells are grown together with rapid cell division and proliferation, dysregulation and mutations often occur, as happens with cancer cells. How will this dysregulation be screened out? Will some cells with cancer-like properties make it through the screening process? How safe is that to eat?

What about the gene editing of cells to create specific characteristics or adjust the nutritional properties of the meat? What are the long-term risks or unintended effects of that?

It also increasingly seems that every type of lab-grown meat will be made using different techniques, with many of the details of exactly what and how the meat is grown, being kept proprietary. This lack of consistency and transparency makes it harder for consumers to know what they are actually eating, how their food was produced, and if it is safe.


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